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Georgia's Battle of Kettle Creek

  Rev. Samuel Whatley was baptized by Silas Mercer and a member of the Phillips Mill Baptist Church in Wilkes County. Whatley's Revolutionary War experiences are summarized by Jesse Campbell in Georgia Baptist Historical and Biographical. 'Having been once almost drowned, twice frozen, twice shot and once hung,' Campbell writes, 'he survived to enjoy the blessings of liberty and to a good old age.' Whatley was active in ministry in the Georgia Baptist Association and is buried at the Phillips Mill Baptist Church where he was a member for more than 40 years. This fascinating account of the historical battle at Kettle Creek, Georgia is written by  Charles Jones and originlly posted at The Christian Index . Here is an excerpt: On a winter Sunday morning in February 1779, the sound of gunfire broke the silence along the marshy bottom at the juncture of two small creeks in Wilkes County, Georgia, as men engaged in a life and death struggle. The Battle of Kettle Creek, a