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Showing posts with the label George Washington

Patriotic Ladies: First Lady Martha Washington

"I shall rely, therefore, confidently on that Providence, which has heretofore preserved and been bountiful to me, not doubting but that I shall return safe to you in the fall." George Washington, Letter to Martha Washington, Philadelphia, Philadelphia, June 18, 1775 Compliments of George Washington Society Source: George Washington/Facebook ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Martha's Early Life Wikipedia tells us a bit of her early years (1731 - 1748) , which also gives us insight into her adventurous personality: Martha Dandridge was born on June 2, 1731, on her parents' tobacco plantation [2] : 9 , Chestnut Grove Plantation in New Kent County the Colony of Virginia . She was the oldest daughter of Frances Jones , the granddaughter of an Anglican rector [3] : 2  and John Dandridge , a Virginia planter [3] : 2  and county clerk [2] : 9  who emigrated from England . She had three brothers and four sisters... Dandridge's father was well-connected with the Virginia...

Our Christian Heritage: Prayer

Source: George Washington/  Facebook By the All-Powerful Dispensations of Providence, I have been protected beyond all human probability or expectation; for I had four bullets through my coat, and two horses shot under me, yet escaped unhurt, although death was leveling my companions on every side of me! George Washington, Letter to John Augustine Washington, July 18, 1755 Compliments of George Washington Society ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  From Rev War Revelry: "As the word of the 'Intolerable Acts' spread throughout the colonies in response to the Boston Tea Party, colonial governments began to show support for Boston. Then in May 1774, the Virginia House of Burgesses voted for a day of 'prayer' on June 1, 1774 in support of Boston and Massachusetts." Source:  Rev War Revelry: The First Virginia Convention and the Road to Revolution – Emerging Revolutionary War Era   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Most gracious Lord God, whose dwelling is in the h...

George Washington: 'The Father Of America - The First American'

Portrait of George Washington (1732–1799) Source:  George Washington - Wikipedia ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Description:   George Washington is central to understanding America's founding. He was the crucial figure in winning the American Revolution, in creating the Constitution, and in establishing the precedents for effective self-government as our first president.  (Full Documentary - 1 hour and 34 minutes) Direct Link:  The Father Of America | The First American | Full Documentary | Documentary Central - YouTube

Examining the Religious Habits of the Washington Family

 What were the religious practices of George and Martha Washington, you might ask? Let's take a look and see if their Christian faith played an important part of their lives. Sampler made by Martha Parke Custis (Martha Washington’s second granddaughter) in 1784 at age seven. Her rendering of the Lord’s Prayer and the Ten Commandments can be seen as lessons in sewing, reading, writing, and also as instruction in the Christian faith.  Image Source:  George Washington's Mount Vernon The website  George Washington's Mount Vernon   reports   that  " Martha Washington was a devout Christian, her granddaughter Eleanor 'Nelly' Parke Custis Lewis noted that she 'never omitted her private devotions, or her public duties…'" and goes on to say "Mrs. Washington regularly retired to her room between 9 and 10 o'clock in the morning 'for an hour of meditation reading & prayer and that hour no one was ever allowed to interfere with.' She and Ne...

George Washington - 1st President of the United States (February 22, 1732 – December 14, 1799)

  George Washington - The White House Was Christianity an influence in the life of our first president? Please examine the facts and decide for yourself. ~ Mercy Adams "There was a long tradition of service to the church in the Washington family. George Washington’s great-great-grandfather, Lawrence Washington, was an Anglican minister in England, while his great-grandfather, John Washington, and his father, Augustine Washington, were vestrymen for their parishes in Virginia. Both John Washington and his son, Lawrence Washington (who was George Washington’s grandfather) left statements of their belief in the basic tenets of the Christian faith in their wills. "In addition, within their home, George Washington’s parents had both a Bible and several theological books, which are believed to have been used in educating their children. His mother, Mary Ball Washington , was remembered by her grandchildren as a devout woman, who liked to visit a quiet spot outside, where she inst...